Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. If you need an easy, at home date night to reignite your feeling of connection with little effort on your part, these 20 questions games are the perfect solution. There are two different games both involving questions for couples. Both games can be played again and again! That means if you print and prepare the 20 questions jar one time it will last you many more date nights to come! This is the date night that keeps on giving. So snuggle up, settle in, and get ready for a simple date night that is simply good for the soul.

Questions for Married Couples Cards

These printables are the key to helping you spend your time reconnecting, rather than reloading another Netflix show. Lucky for us, Carisa from Messes to Memories made the perfect printables for the job!

Invite Your Date

Kick off the date by slipping one of the 20 Questions Couples Game invite cards into your spouse’s wallet. It’s a perfect size! When they reach for their card to pay for something they will immediately smile when they see the card tipping them off to the night of fun they are in for! They will not only feel special because you are thinking of them, but they will also be excited for the fun that lies ahead!

Two Games In One

There are two ways to play the 20 Questions Couples Game. For the first, you’ll need to grab a mason jar. I used the smaller size. When you print on cardstock and cut the printables you’ll see a lid cover and a wrap around 20 Questions label for your jar. Cut and assemble each printable onto your mason jar. Next, cut out each of the questions for couples prompts and put them into the jar.

Couples will take turns drawing questions from the jar and answering the question. Each person has to answer 20 questions. You could draw one question and you both have to answer, or you could have a new fresh question each time. It doesn’t matter how you play, just focus on opening up and enjoying your spouse’s company! It’s a simple date night to learn more about your spouse.

The questions are insightful, reflective, and some are a little sexy! Changing gears from your normal, lazy night of screens or distance, to a night of thinking, sharing, and cozying up together will make all of the difference. This intentional change you make will fill you up and leave both of you feeling more love and connected with each other.

Game #2

The second version of the 20 Questions Couples Game is a fun twist on the traditional game of 20 questions. Like in the traditional playing of 20 questions, one person thinks of something while the other person tries to figure out what it is by asking up to 20 yes or no questions. Once they reach 20 questions without figuring out what the other person is thinking of, they lose. In our version of 20 questions for married couples, you will use the printable cards to write down what you are thinking of. As your spouse uses yes or no questions to guess you can keep track of how many questions have been asked by checking off the numbers as you go.

Since this is a game of 20 questions for married couples make it more fun by writing down and making your spouse guess a place, thing, memory, or idea that has to do with your spouse, marriage, or history together. Then your spouse will have to ask questions like, “Did this happen before we had kids? Did it happen in the Winter? Were we alone when it happened?” And so on!

Reminiscing and reflecting together is one of the best ways to bring happiness to your marriage. These 20 Questions Couples games add a little extra fun to your reminiscing! SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave

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