Ammi’s Adventures: Leaves

Hi! I’m Ammi. My name means “the whole world is inside of me,” and I think it’s true: I carry the whole world in my mind and heart and body. I know you do, too! I like to play games, explore, and discover what makes me, me. I’m so glad we’re together on this journey!  Have you ever watched a leaf dancing in the wind? Swirling, floating, gliding, this way, that way, and softly landing on the grass, on a bench, or at your feet.  I love to watch leaves dance. It makes me wonder… who or what is directing the leaf? Do you think the trees and the wind, or the branches, or the people are the reasons the leaf goes where it goes? Or do you think the leaf decides how it moves and where it ends up? I think the leaf decides.  I like to believe that a leaf woke up this morning, high on its branch in a big oak tree, and thought to itself, Today is the day I start my journey to see the ocean. And maybe another leaf woke up in a pile in the park and thought to itself, I’ve never been to the playground where children are squealing with joy—that is where I’ll go today. And another leaf woke up and noticed its tree had withered, and now it needs to find a new space where it belongs.  I imagine that once those leaves, and all the others too, make a decision, nature rises up to help them. The grass and the wind, the animals and the people, the oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. Every single thing that exists is supporting that leaf to be who it came to be.  I like to call these leaves mighty. A mighty leaf trusts the world to hold it and be there for its growth. A mighty leaf knows that wherever it dances on any given day, it is for its good.  We are mighty too, you know, just like those leaves. We have power within that guides and directs us, and the whole world rises up to help us on our way. It isn’t always easy to trust our path, to hear our voice, or to feel the mightiness within us, but we can practice. 

A 4-Minute Meditation for Kids

You know, sometimes it feels like our life isn’t up to us. Oh, but it is, it is. We are mighty, like the leaves. We get to decide where we dance, what we create, and where we end up. It comes from deep inside our being. And there is goodness everywhere, guiding us along.  Love from your new friend,  Ammi

Notice Your Thoughts and Feelings

Take some time to draw or write about what you experienced with Ammi. What did you see, hear, feel, know, understand? Find a journal to write or a piece of paper to draw, or simply share with someone you love. 

Ammi’s adventures

Heather Hawk Feinberg March 1, 2021

Heather Hawk Feinberg July 5, 2021