Was yesterday a hoot or what!? Today we have a surprise in store for you that your spouse will REALLY appreciate!! MATERIALS NEEDED: – None that can be listed – this will depend on what your sweetheart says … you’ll see!! LOVE CHALLENGE – DAY 10: ⅓ of the way there! Today’s challenge is titled ‘Get ‘Er Done’ and is one that is sure to mean a lot to your spouse!  Here is your task – simply ask them for one thing on THEIR to do list that YOU can accomplish and COMPLETE!! Sometimes those lists can start to weigh us down, so let’s LIGHTEN the load today for your most favorite person in the world! That’s it! Such an easy task when you think about it but it will mean SO much to your spouse and show them that you really care! Be prepared to get hands on tomorrow with Day 11 and the great challenge it has in store for you!! P.S. Don’t forget to snap a PIC and post it to your Instagram Feed with the hashtag #Divas30DayLoveChallenge to enter to be one of our 30 Grand Prize Winners and follow us on Instagram {@datingdivas} to see what the NEXT challenge will be! P.P.S.If you have already done this idea OR you don’t think your sweetie would enjoy this… feel free to browse our “Quick & Easy” section and choose another FUN idea you can whip out today!

  •    *    *    *    *    *    *    * ALL #Divas30DayLoveChallenge POSTS If you stumble upon the #Divas30DayLoveChallenge AFTER it’s already started, no worries – you can still join in! Jump in at any time! Start with the first informative post below and start working your way through!  Click the link{s} below to see previous posts. Have fun!} HOW IT WORKS DAY 1 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 2 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 3 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 4 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 5 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 6 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 7 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 8 LOVE CHALLENGE DAY 9 LOVE CHALLENGE

 Divas30DayLoveChallenge   Day 10 - 75 Divas30DayLoveChallenge   Day 10 - 37