Mindfulness in Action

On the cover is Shelly Tygielski (with her amazing boots). Shelly is a mindfulness teacher, grassroots, self-care activist who is “planting the seeds” of mindfulness to help people discover the power of pausing, breathing and holding space for themselves and others. You may recognize Shelly from her Self-Care series and Facebook meditations. I love Shelly’s story because it shows the impact that mindfulness can make on a community, bringing people together—and bringing out their best—even in times of terrible trauma. As you will see, Shelly is a mindfulness teacher and practitioner who’s become a heartfelt supporter of the Parkland community in Florida and is helping to address healing from the trauma of gun violence. (Listen to the stories of Parkland survivors.)

Tune In to Your Body

Also in the June issue, we dive into the practice of “Deep Listening,” that is, how to tune in and really, truly listen to your body and mind…..so you can learn to allow yourself to let go of the deep tension that many of us carry around, without even realizing it. Learning to tune in—and let go—of this tension helps us all find calm in the chaos. Yoga, mindfulness and somatic awareness expert Jillian Pransky shares her story of living in a state of chronic go-go-go (bigger, faster, stronger, does that sound like a familiar drumbeat to you??). Jillian also shares how she learned to do the opposite. Unwind tension. De-stress the mind. Open her heart. This body-appreciating approach to mindfulness will—I hope—help you melt your own tension and learn to experience the calm that awaits each of us inside. You can sample soft-belly breathing with Jillian here.  Personally, after practicing with Jillian, I became much more mindful of how often and unconsciously I hunch my shoulders throughout the day (and even at night!). Thanks to her insights, I now try to use these signs of tension as a mindful “tell,” to increase my self-awareness in the moment when something has been triggered. I really appreciate her approach to sharing ways to tune in, listen and let go. I hope you will too.

And so much more…

There’s so much more in this issue—in print and digital—whatever format you choose. We’re sharing a summer reading list and some of our favorite podcasts. There’s a mindful garden tour with master gardener Peter Good, just in time for being outside in whatever natural setting you call your home away from home.  Plus, on the back page, Editor-in-Chief Barry Boyce shares a few choice words about how we listen (or don’t) to others, often projecting our own expectations instead of really seeing things with fresh eyes. 

Enjoy Every Moment

So, I hope you’re enjoying a lovely spring and summer, filled with plenty of moments in mindful awakeness.  I’m looking forward to school letting out – a respite from our daily, manic school runs — and days taking on a slower, summery pace. My un-ambitious goals: to soak up time with my three teenagers, delighting in their energy and laughter, and spending time with our crazy extended furry family, including our rescue pygmy-ish goat Lilly Rose, pictured here. At Mindful, we talk about the “me and we” of mindfulness, our connection to self and our interconnectedness with others and the world around us. So, from my heart to yours and to all of ours, may we find our own centers of calm and compassion, and may we find ways to extend that to all we meet. With love,Anne

Explore the Issue

Claire Zimmerman June 18, 2019

Karin Evans May 29, 2019

Mindful Staff May 27, 2019

Kelle Walsh May 23, 2019

Catherine Price May 15, 2019

Elaine Smookler May 13, 2019